2015-04-21 10:45:05

was the mastermind behind the Islamic state organization’s control on north of Syria

The magazine said in a lengthy published story entitled "secret files reveal the structure of the Islamic state," that id had got 31 pages of plans , lists and tables handwritten up to a scheme for the establishment of the State of succession in Syria.

The documents are planned according to the magazine by a man named Samir Abdul Mohammed Al-Khlafawi a former colonel in the Air Force intelligence in Saddam’s regime. The man nickname in Haji Bakar.

The magazine says that the files indicate that control of north of Syria was part of an elaborate scheme supervised by Haji Bakar using techniques - including surveillance and espionage, murder and kidnapping - have been refined in the era of Saddam's security service.

News reported that Haji Bakar was killed in a battle with Syrian fighters in January 2014 because he had helped earlier in the seizure of large areas of Syria, which has boosted the development of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria "ISIS" organization in Iraq.

According to the Spiegel story written by Christoph Reuter, "What put Baker on the paper page by page with paragraphs identify specific individual responsibilities not least then a planned seize."

It continued the story "It was not an allegiance statement but it was a technical and precise plan for an Islamic state intelligence - the state-run organization similar to the succession and the Stasi internal intelligence agency famous in East Germany."

The story describes Haji Bakar as an "disgruntled and unemployed" person after the US authorities dissolved the Iraqi army in 2003. While news reported between 2006 and 2008 that he is in US detention facilities, including Abu Ghraib prison.

But the story says that in 2010 , Haji Bakar and a small group of Iraqi intelligence officers were the ones who made Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the official leader of the Islamic state organization in order to grant the organization a " religious form."

The magazine adds that two years later , Haji Bakar traveled to north of Syria to oversee the plan and chose to start a group of militants, including foreign fighters who lack the experience from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Europe as well as veteran fighters from Chechnya and Uzbekistan.

Iraqi journalist Hisham al-Hashemi - one of his relatives served with Haji Bakar - describes the former officer as a nationalist and not Islamic . Spiegel story talks about the secret behind the success of ISIS organization is combining between the opposing - extremist beliefs for a group from one hand and strategic accounts for another group led by Haji Bakar.

The magazine said that it had obtained the papers after lengthy negotiations with militants in the Syrian city of Aleppo, who have seized the areas when the organization was forced to abandon its headquarters there in the early of 2014.