2015-02-05 11:16:19

crisis that hit it in addition to the defeats and air strikes targeting its strongholds.

The reports mentioned "cases of escape, field execution, monitoring splits and forming a device to monitor the movements of foreign elements" which is an evidence of the emergence of severe state of confusion in the ranks of the organization.

The reports lists the execution incident of two foreign fighters, spread like wildfire and made a lot of disorder within the organization and outside it too.

It adds that the financial crisis has made many reconsider their presence in the organization, especially after being accustomed on life of luxury and a lot of money, forcing them to some kind of physical austerity to compensate for losses incurred by ISIS after the international coalition’s air strikes.

The reports talks about leaks confirmed a close element to the organization that, on last 19 of January, ISIS had executed youths carrying Saudi nationality by a prominent leader called , Abu Islam al-Anbari inside the walls of al-Akershi camp , the largest training camps for ISIS elements , which is located on the right bank of the Euphrates River, away from Raqqa city center for about 20 kilometers.

According to the source, the Saudis immigrants were looking for passports insistently and repeatedly raising doubt about their intention to escape, taking a quick decision to get rid of them in secret and urgent form.

A few hours just went , until the disappearance of two young men began to carry a lot of question among other foreign fighters, prompting them to ask about their missing friends, until eventually they learned that they were executed because they relapsed for the religion of Allah!

The source adds, "everyone knew that the two young men were killed is being subjected to any trial, as usual in ISIS to prove and to receive the charge against them of blasphemy and apostasy."

He adds, " a few days only passed, so we started to hear the news divisions more and more, especially from the Gulf nationalities."

"A.S" says for "Alan News " that “It's a result of the splits in the ranks of ISIS organization to cut Raqqa city, and a number of other cities under its control, through the barriers and patrols to search for new dissidents, and prevent them from moving away from the city, as exposed all passers-by for questions and questioning, any car that passes must go long for inspection as well. "


Other migrants who were trying to escape from Salook village affiliated to Tal Abyed City near the Syrian-Turkish border, and executed immediately one Saudi and one Egyptian element.

Media sources also reported that a state of extreme tension controls the strongholds of the organization, says, "N.o" "My house is next to one of the strongholds, after the execution incident spread among Saudis immigrants, we now hear the voices deuce , screaming and shooting sporadically from inside the building."

The source concludes "ISIS began to face another storm shaking it, but this time from inside its home, by the escape of some immigrants fighters that the organization depend on them so much for reasons of financial policy and mentality advocating the organization in dealing with some of the elements so that ISIS find itself in severe dilemmas of Foreign and internal problems, it will affect undoubtedly a direct impact and the next few days will have a lot of the details. "