2014-04-15 09:14:26

to go to work there or for tourism , as the cities of the region are witnessing sustained tourist movement, especially on special occasions and holidays, tens of thousands of Iraqis and non- Iraqis go to Kurdistan .


The officials in the region and even the population are concerned from the political and security reflection on their safe towns. As Iraqis in other provinces fear from losing the only outlet for them , which caused the security and services collapse of their cities.

This is what has happened at the end of last September after a bombing and an attempt to storm the Security Directorate in Erbil, " Asaish " , killing and wounding a number of people in addition to the attackers.

Concern are renewed with the continued operations of armed violence taking place in areas on the road between Baghdad and the cities of the province and in the areas between them ; carried out by militants from the extremist organizations , including the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant " Daash " which is active in the areas within Hamrin hills in Diyala as well as Kirkuk and other areas .

All of these indicators and fears reflected on the land movement towards the cities of Kurdistan Region and specifically the capital , Erbil .

According to the drivers on Baghdad and Erbil road, 550 cars -type GMC works in this road from Erbil to Baghdad, and vice versa , in addition to 180 small cars and 40 " Buses " and that there are also between 70 and 80 private plates operate in line.

Wesam Ali , a driver on Erbil- Baghdad road told “Shafaq News " , " prior the attack and the bombings which targeted the headquarters of Asaish in Erbil , 150 various cars (which we have mentioned above) , enter Erbil daily ," adding , " after bombing cars in Erbil, cars that carry passenger does not exceed 50 cars”.

He explains that the main reasons that called for tightening measures in the entrances of Erbil and not allowing young men to enter alone without their family and emphasize on the issue of granting residence paper are all due to the bombings that took place recently.

With the decline of the transportation movement for travelers ; flights are experiencing a noticeable increase from Baghdad airport to Erbil .

According to sources at Erbil airport , due to the existing facilities at the airport and not banning the entry of young men , there was no need for the residence paper as all these measures are being taken in land for entrants into Kurdistan .

A young Baghdadi men , Ali Lateef told “Shafaq News” “ coming to Erbil by a flight is better because the road is dangerous and I won’t do procedures for entry to Erbil."

People in Kurdistan and in the whole of Iraq always wonder , Is Kurdistan Region and its cities remain immune from the effects of political and security events ; to remain an oasis of safety where tired people come to relax to be a model of proper construction , in which its population look forward to it to stay there as well as Iraqis in other governorates of Iraq who are crushed by financial and administrative corruption and the services and security collapse .

Will movement between Kurdistan and the other cities of Iraq return? to activate the new sap to sustain human life and meet the requirements of the human peaceful quiet life.