2014-11-29 06:13:24

Gen. Qassem Soleimani and Iranian military experts were on board, in addition to Lebanese experts.

That’s how Al -Manar Lebanese satellite of the Hezbollah party reported in the arrival of Soleimani to Baghdad, " the leaders of the factions of the popular crowd were waiting for the next delegation. the leaderships included leaders of battalions that were formed during the American occupation in order to face the leaders of the occupation and got Iran’s support." .

The battalions are: League of the Righteous, Badr Brigades, the Brigades of Hezbollah, Iraq, in addition to the Master of Martyrs Brigades, the Brigades of Imam Ali and al-Resala movement.

The channel quoted sources as saying that " the Iraqi forces does not need  ability , the will or the up to the initiative, as the armed brigades are still strong with its most efficient fighters. The Iraqi army was not collapsed as promoted by the media of the states that wanted to settle political scores with the Iraqi government,  as the Golden band and fight terrorism service were ready and in the shock  moment, the Iraqi armed men were in the squares waiting for the decision, they needed only orders  to regulate their roles, management was required for the battle. "

The channel noted "camps were set up to receive thousands of volunteers who rushed in response to a fatwa of Marjiyaa and these armed battalions and military groups joined and worked on the training and qualification of volunteers before engaging them in battle."

The report said that "the plan was developed in accordance with the priorities, sources added. And distributed to battalions on clash axes, and took the realized achievements in turn."

The Channel and its correspondent quoted what some Iraqi soldiers have heard from Gen. Soleimani, someone said that Soleimani gave orders suddenly to liberate the road connecting Samarra and Baghdad.

The reporter said that "the faction leaders who are in constant contact with the leader of Qods Force, asked him to prudence and be careful of the seriousness of involving troops in battle without preparation. but Soleimani Insisted on his decision and joined personally mechanisms, which headed to Liberate the road, he got what he wanted."

The correspondent said that "The presence of Gen. Qassem Soleimani has a dramatic impact in motivating fighters. Speaks to fighters on his presence in the most important battles along with the fighters, talk to them via wireless devices , manages their movements and gives orders to the progress towards the enemy lines."

The most thing that reminds those fighters is the calmness of Soleimani, in the fiercest fighting, the commander of the Qods Force keeps his calm and performs his prayers on time, and nothing shows in his face but signs of reassurance.

Al-Manar TV correspondent noted to what young men who joined Gen. Qassem Soleimani in their residence. Quds Force commander sleeps for three hours only . Once he woke up he pray morning prayers, and then take see the news on TV visual media - including Al-Manar - a few minutes. Soleimani continues to make these two connections before leaving the house, the first to the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Khaled Meshaa and the second to Massoud Barzani, President of Kurdistan region.