2020-06-23 20:03:29

Shafaq News / Baghdad and its political scenes are not unusual to the president of Kurdistan, Nechirvan Barzani, but his brief and intensive visit to Baghdad, came in due course to put the record straight on the relations; based on two basic rules: the beginning of the era of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, and the accumulation of files between the two parties, which required his own presence.


Barzani began the outcome of meeting the three presidencies in Baghdad with a brief statement, then listed what was not revealed in his short tweet in detail and declared opening a new page in the relationship between Baghdad and Kurdistan, an approach that inevitably requires close consultation between Al-Kadhimi and Barzani; the most qualified men to address and resolve the accumulated problems.


These multi issues are not limited to the dangerously increasing COVİD-19 pandemic, nor the Turkish-Iranian bombing but extends to establishing a new phase in the relations between Erbil and Baghdad, strengthening the bridges of understanding with Al-Kadhimi and following up the severe financial crisis and the faltering issue of salaries, all on principles of understanding and cooperation to overcome the economic crisis that has affected everyone.


Al-Kadhimi certainly needs to concerted effort with Erbil, as well as with the political forces in Baghdad; if the Iraqi desire seeks appropriate solutions to these crises. That is why Nechirvan Barzani may find this a favourable political timing to conduct this relatively large number of meetings and gatherings.


Altogether, Barzani's visit to Baghdad paves the way for compromises, understandings, and outlines of the next phase regarding COVİD-19, sovereignty, the security issue, the financial crisis, and the post-strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington.


In his meeting with President Barham Salih, Barzani stressed that the differences and outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad should be addressed following constitutional and legal frameworks and through cooperation and coordination to preserve the rights of all Iraqis and achieve social justice, in addition to discussing the solutions required to get out of the economic crisis in the country, as well as to consolidate solidarity among all to face COVİD-19 pandemic and limit its spread.


This meeting was preceded by similar meetings with Al-Kadhimi and Speaker of the council of Representatives Mohamed Al-Halbousi. In the meeting with Al-Kadhimi, the talks dealt with the files between the two governments and solving previous problems by the constitution and in the public interest against the current challenges facing all provinces.

At stake here is the issue of salaries, oil revenues, disputed areas, and Article 140 of the Constitution.


These points were embodied by the president of Kurdistan during his statements from Baghdad after the end of the intensive dialogues that lasted two days, as he considered the problems and responsibilities are common to all Iraqis and said that “the fate of all of us is one and the problems of Iraq and Kurdistan are the problems of all Iraqis”.


Barzani stressed "After years of experiencing bitter differences and problems between the two sides, we must not look behind, rather it is time to reach a common ground and solve the problems once and for all through a comprehensive and satisfactory agreement; and provide security, stability, justice, and progress to the present and future of Iraq".


Barzani described the situation as cruel and said, "Crises can be transformed into opportunities and cooperation to address the current difficulties and crises in the country, which are a responsibility of all." Adding, "The continuation of the problems is not in the interest of any party, and together we can reach a common understanding to manage the country to provide services to all citizens”


Barzani also stressed "Kurdistan is ready to solve all outstanding problems and issues with the federal government based on the constitution and under the federal system and rights, duties, and priorities of the current life and livelihood of citizens”, and they return the Iraqi leaders’ roles, the political parties in supporting dialogue, and resolution to reach an “important and necessary and the duty of all” agreement.


Most likely, Barzani will meet Al-Kadhimi in his bet.." the challenges facing the country require the cooperation of all to deal with them and to put the country in the right path, to build a secure, stable and unified Iraq".


As Barzani visits Baghdad, he realizes that things have been relatively settled for Al-Kadhimi in the transition of power and taking on heavy responsibilities, and in this sense the timing here is significant. He, therefore, accompanied his deputies Sheikh Jaafar Sheikh Mustafa and Mustafa Sayed Qadir with him.


Barzani, as usual in politics, wants to extend a hand of cooperation and search for common points of convergence and is fully aware that Al-Kadhimi is in dire need of leaders, whether in Kurdistan or in Baghdad, who has the “art of possible” politically to lead Iraq and Kurdistan to safety in one of the most turbulent periods.


Another initiative recorded by Barzani during his visit to Baghdad was his meeting with Hadi Al-Amiri, leader of Al-Fateh coalition and Muqtada Al-Sadr, the leader of the Sadrist movement; the largest parliamentary blocs in the Iraqi parliament and the compulsory and constitutional corridor for all of Baghdad and Erbil’s issues.


In a statement, the Fatah coalition said, “The meeting dealt with several issues, most notably supporting the parliament's decision to remove foreign troops from the country and the need to unify the positions of political forces in protecting and defending national sovereignty, noting that the repeated Turkish violations of national sovereignty and military incursions into northern Iraq were discussed”.


Regarding the internal issues, Barzani and Al-Amiri’s meeting dealt with several regulations, the most important of which was the electoral law and the push for the completion of the vote in the Council of Representatives, which is the main factor in holding early elections.


As part of his bridging moves, Barzani invited the head of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri Al-Maliki, to visit Erbil after holding joint talks on the political, security, and health situation in the country, as well as outstanding issues between Baghdad and Kurdistan’s governments.


Al-Maliki, for his part, stressed on the need to continue dialogues between political forces to overcome the challenges, particularly the crisis of COVİD-19 pandemic and the repercussions of the collapse in oil prices, and reiterated the call for cooperation in issuing legal legislation governing the relationship between Kurdistan and the federal government, especially in the adoption of oil and gas laws and the distribution of national wealth.


These are important points that lay the appropriate foundations for the future, a point expressed by Barzani when he assured Nouri Al-Maliki that, Kurdistan is keen to communicate with the political forces and the federal government and to proceed with action based on understanding and agreement in the interest of all.


The presence of Barzani and Al-Kadhimi in Erbil and Baghdad, which could establish a common plan for action, internally and regionally, necessitates their rapprochement and builds on the confidence that Kurdistan has given to Al-Kadhimi as a candidate for prime ministership.


According to a statement issued by Kurdistan’s presidency, Iraqi leaders and political parties described Barzani's visit at this time and under these circumstances as "a positive message and a right step for Kurdistan toward Baghdad and a sign of goodwill to solve the problems" and expressed their satisfaction with the readiness of Kurdistan for dialogue, the final resolution of the problems and an agreement with the federal government".