2014-12-30 08:39:05

Nagata decided to resort to unconventional methods of forming a multi-disciplinary research tram from outside the usual formal institutions such as the Pentagon , the State Department and the intelligence team.

The team includes, for example, Masters in Business Administration to study ISIS strategies in marketing and promotion.

We do not understand them

The general Nagata said that "We do not understand the movement and until we understand it , we can’t defeat it ," according to the minutes of secret meetings between him and the research team reviewed by The New York Times. The US military commander "We did not defeat the idea originally, but we do not understand the idea."

Gen. Nagata shares US officials his frustration recognizing that the air strikes launched by the international coalition against ISIS had little impact in the longer-term campaign to kill the extremist ideology of ISIS.

Search for Solutions

After four months from the formation of the research team to fight ISIS thoughts , Gen. Nagata is still looking for answers and solutions.

Secret meetings are being held by Gen. Nagata with more than 30 experts , academics and researchers that the team enlisted the light of the difficulty faced by the American genius minds on how they are supposed to understand ISIS, and aspects that attaches to the US military interest in this organization.

One of the first comments made by the research team and gained the attention of Gen. Nagata is "ISIS ability to control the population," according to researcher. The members of the expert pointed out in the research team at different attributions to ISIS that does not depend on the number of fighters or the types of weapons used to control the land and who inhabit it as much as depends on the means to achieve the intangible such control and keep them.

Psychological methods

The researcher found that this ability is based on a "psychological techniques" such as terrorize the population , employment of religion , the adoption of sectarian speech and the use of economic instruments to control the means of livelihood of the people.

The researcher reveal that there were differences between the researchers and experts about whether the goal of publishing ISIS ideology or control of the land is to build a state of succession announced in large areas of Iraq and Syria. But members of the research team showed their doubts that ISIS has the experience and administrative capacity to govern.

Caliphate State fails

It is clear that ISIS failed to build a state of succession and the collapse of the state due to the deterioration of the living conditions of the population in the areas under its control and the collapse of basic services and high prices and a shortage of medicines, according to people from the residents of these areas.

The Washington Post newspaper quoted these witnesses that the videos that show government departments working and the distribution of aid to people is unrelated to the reality by increasing deprivation and ISIS leadership confusion and chaos that characterized the work. Also, the currency published by ISIS was not issued nor passports that it has promised for by while schools are practically Off , number of the doctors are few and the disease is spreading in putative ISIS territory of the State.