2014-08-14 09:44:22

after the recent strikes on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” organization, though continues fighting near it.

David Taffora, a researcher and specialist political advisor in the affairs of States, which witnessed armed conflict in "Patton Boggs" company which has previously worked in various positions in the American government and the American Embassy in Iraq and to the United Nations said in phone call with the CNN from Erbil , seen by "Shafaq News", that "The security situation in the city is safe, but there are battles 50 kilometers away ."

Taffora said that "these things have increased security tensions and there is concern in the city, not because of the fighting, but because of the influx of refugees, especially from minority groups as Yazidis, ISIS has weapons better than that Peshmarga, but Kurds are hoping to get more weapons from the West , as well as take advantage of the additional air strikes to repel ISIS. "

He confirmed that the chances of survival of tens of thousands of refugees who are fleeing from areas controlled by ISIS has improved dramatically, adding that "the situation has improved significantly recently, as a number of refugees have reached the borders of Turkey and some have succeeded to get aid, noting that ISIS intend to target minorities as this is a crime of genocide. "

On the future of al-Maliki , the American researcher said that "al-Maliki has one solution to surrender and retreat from his ambition to stay in power, he rules for eight years and today there someone else from his party at the head of the government."

He added that "many of the Shiite forces are supporting the prime minister-designate, Haider al-Abadi and there is a general belief that al-Maliki in Baghdad will not be able to rule, but has a lot of powers , forces and Shiite militias in his hands and he might try to cling to power."