2015-03-01 06:51:42

the day after the publication of "ISIS" for a video footage that shows the destruction of historic statues in Mosul.

These sites include the historic city of Hatra (al-Ḥaḍr in Arabic) which is listed on the World Heritage List of the United Nations for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "UNESCO", and Nimrod. The two cities are located south of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, which is controlled by the terrorist organization since last June.

Iraqi Antiquities expert considered at the US University, "Stony Brook", Abdul Amir Hamdani considered that "this is not the end of the story, and the international community must intervene", in reference to what was published by ISIs organization.

The video tape showed ISIS elements destroying effects dating back to thousands of years in Mosul Museum, as the elements throw the statues to the ground and destroyed them as they used hammers to break them apart. They also used electric machine to discredit a huge statue of an Assyrian winged bull, located at "Nergal" gate in Mosul.

Hamdani, who previously worked in the Iraqi Department of Antiquities, said that "ISIS elements who have distorted the statue in Nergal Gate, told the guards that they will destroy Nimrod."

"This is one of the most important capitals of the Assyrian, there are inscriptions , winged bulls and there will be a real disaster," fearing that the terrorists would attack and destroy them. Is a very isolated area in the desert."

Hatra is located within the areas controlled by "ISIs" in Nineveh province, one hundred kilometer south west of Mosul.

"UNESCO" organization says that "the remains of Hatra city , especially the temples where Hellenistic and Romania architecture mixes with Eastern decorative features, that shows to the greatness of its civilization."

The Iraqi architect who lives in Amman , Ihsan Fathi expressed fear on effects of Hathar and Nimrod. He said "I'm afraid from further destruction ," adding that members of the organization can do everything. It is Possible that they would move to the temples (in Hatra areas), that can say that these temples are pagan and blow them. Who will stop them? Frankly, is there nothing standing in front of them? ".

For her part, the director of the "UNESCO", Irina Bokova called for an emergency session of the UN Security Council on the background of the destruction of antiquities in Mosul, arguing to provide protection for Iraq's cultural heritage as a "part of the country's security."

The Director of the organization , Irina Bokova said in a statement that "this attack is much more than a cultural tragedy, this is also a security issue that would fuel sectarian extremism and violent conflict in Iraq."

Bokova added "that’s why I contacted with the head of the UN Security Council to ask him to convene an emergency session of the Security Council on the protection of Iraq's cultural heritage, as an essential component of the country's security," and expressed "deep shock" over the video, and confirmed "her condemnation of this deliberate attack on the history and heritage of Iraq which dates back to thousands of years. "

Bokova noted in its statement that some of the statues that were destroyed, according to the tape goes back to Hatra city included on the list of the "UNESCO" World Heritage historic, located one hundred kilometers south west of Mosul.

She considered that the destruction process is "contrary to UN Security Council Resolution No. 2199, issued about two weeks ago, which is designed to dry the financial resources of the organization, which controls large areas in Syria and Iraq, including smuggling Antiquities."