2018-03-19 19:41:00

The transfer seen in photos provided by the Army show Major General Robert White casing the 1st Armored Division's colors as Major General Walter Piatt, commander of the 10th Mountain Division, uncased his division's colors.

Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command - Operation Inherent Resolve is the land component of the coalition force representing 75 nations and international organizations that have joined to enable partnered Iraqi forces to defeat Daesh in Iraq and restore stability and security.

The ceremony was widely attended by troops of all coalition nations stationed in Iraq, as well as Iraqi officials.

The ceremony marked the end of a nine-month deployment for the Armored Division Soldiers from Fort Bliss, Texas, and marks the beginning of a new journey for the "Mountain Soldiers" from Fort Drum, New York. "We have come to serve this Coalition and the Iraqi Security Forces," Piatt said.

The transfer of authority between 1st Armored Division and 10th Mountain Division is part of a headquarters consolidation within Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve, representing another step forward in reducing U.S. troop levels in accordance with the request of the Government of Iraq.

CJFLCC's mission continues to support training, advising and equipping Iraq's security forces to achieve the lasting defeat of Daesh and help provide security to the people of Iraq. "We are deeply honored to take our place in this Coalition," said Piatt.