2020-03-18 07:34:21

Shafaq News / Ali Reza Raisi, an official at the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, announced that more than 18 million people in the country have participated so far in a "screening project" to identify suspected people with new Corona virus.

Raisi said in a press statement, that about 18 million and 300 thousand people have participated in a "screening project" to identify suspects of the emerging corona virus (Covid-19), including 13 million through health units and 5 million through the website salamat.gov. ir.

He explained that this procedure was implemented in 37 thousand health centers across the country, and that among the 45 thousand referred to the doctor, about 29 thousand of them needed rest at home, and among the 4,500 people who were referred to the hospital, 2,200 of them stayed in it, while the rest were treated outside the hospital.

It is noteworthy that the latest statistics on Corona virus emerging in Iran as of Tuesday noon, according to the statement of the Ministry of Health spokesman Kianosh Jahanpur, indicated that 16,169 patients were infected, 5,389 recovered, and 988 people died.