2020-04-01 08:25:11

Shafaq News/ 865 people died of coronavirus in the United States during the past 24 hours, in the highest daily toll recorded in this country, Johns Hopkins University announced Tuesday evening.

The university, which is a reference point in tracking infections and deaths caused by Covid-19, said that the total number of epidemic deaths who died in the country until today has reached 3,873 people, while the total number of infections reached 188,172, after it was confirmed during the last day that 24743 people were infected.

The new toll came hours after US President Donald Trump warned his countrymen that they would face two weeks of "very, very painful" fighting in the steadfast fight of corona with growing numbers of victims, particularly in New York, the epicenter of the epidemic in the country.

Trump described the Covid-19 pandemic as a "scourge", saying, "I want every American to be prepared for the difficult days ahead," expressing his hope that at the end of this period his country would be able to "see real light at the end of the tunnel."

Yesterday, the Trump administration issued new 30-day directives to prevent the spread of Corona virus.

Italy still holds the record for the highest daily death toll from Covid-19, with 969 deaths, recorded on March 27.