2020-06-12 22:50:05

Shafaq News / A United Nations expert warned that Covid-19 could provoke a global famine with biblical scales.

The director of research and monitoring in the United Nations World Food Program, Arif Hussain, explained that the past four years witnessed a surge in the numbers of people who suffer from food shortage.

Hussain pointed to the impact of military conflict and economic instability, explaining that hunger threatens about 80 million to 135 million human, but it is possible that an additional 130 million will join the "hungry category" by next December.

According to the "New York Times", the number of hungry people in the world could surpass the quarter of a billion threshold, or more than 250 million, this year.

The majority of the governments were obliged to brake economic activities and force social isolation, as well as blocking exporting operations, in order to limit the spread of Covid-19.

The crisis severely damaged the private sector workers, who earn their wages on a daily basis, in addition to factory workers and elementary occupations professionals.

Statistics indicate that 94% of the workforce is active in countries that closed the economy to halt the spread of the virus that emerged in China late last year and then turned into a global pandemic.

Earlier, the International Labor Organization clarified that in April, May and June the pandemic resulted in losing the equivalent of 305 million full-time jobs.