2020-04-23 08:19:47

Shafaq News / U.S. President Donald Trump said that it is likely that the outbreak of Corona virus (Covid-19) may later return to the United States, but considered that this potential new wave will be stopped in a rapid manner.

This came in statements made by the U.S. President during his daily press conference from the White House regarding the latest developments in Corona virus outbreak in the country.

Trump said in his remarks "It is possible that we would face a return of some elements of Corona virus, but it will be stopped. This will not be similar to the current situation in any way."

He explained that the United States has a better containment policy for Corona virus, noting that his administration has a "way" to stop the pandemic upon its return in the future.

Trump considered that more states in the country would soon be able to gradually reopen their economies, encouraging rulers to do so in stages, but he added that they would do better.

The U.S. President also stated that "the progress made in fighting virus will help us to reopen the country, and we will be able to send respirators to all countries of the world."

During the conference, Trump asked the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, to make his press statement that the second wave of the virus would be worse than the current outbreak if it occurred.

"I think it is important to stress what I did not say," Redfield said. "I did not confirm that this (second wave) would be the worst. I said the situation will be more difficult and perhaps more complicated because we will face an exchange of roles between influenza and Corona virus simultaneously next year."

The United States announced, on Wednesday that the death toll from Corona virus raised to 45 thousand and 75 deaths, after recording 2701 deaths during the past 24 hours.

The recent data showed that the American "Johns Hopkins University" , explained that the total number of corona infections in the country reached 825 thousand and 306 infections, after recording 37 thousand and 346 new cases.

Corona tests have been performed for 4 million and 163 thousand people so far, while 75,673 patients have recovered, and 120,665 are still hospitalized.

The United States tops the list of corona deaths and infections globally, followed by infections in Spain, Italy, France and Germany, and in Italy, Spain, France and Britain.

New York tops the list of states for deaths and infections, followed by New Jersey and Massachusetts.

As of dawn on Thursday, Corona infected more than two million and 637 thousand in the world, of whom about 184 thousand died, and more than 717 thousand recovered, according to the "World Meter" website specialized in monitoring the victims of the virus.