2020-03-29 08:13:56

Shafaq News / The US National Epidemic Center has warned residents of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut not to travel unnecessarily outside their states for 14 days.

This comes after US President Donald Trump said he would issue a travel advisory in New York area that was badly affected by the spread of Corona virus, in order to curb the outbreak, thereby reversing a previous proposal that he might seek to close the entire region.

"Quarantine will not be necessary," Trump said on Twitter.

The president's announcement came as the number of deaths in the United States due to the virus exceeded 2,100, more than twice the number two days ago.

The United States has recorded 122,000 cases of corona virus so far, the largest number of infections in one country.

Trump tweeted that he had asked federal health officials to issue a "strong travel warning" in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut