2016-12-23 20:31:00
The Tunisian man shot dead in connection with the deadly truck attack in Berlin is seen swearing allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of ISIS, in a video released by a news agency linked to the terror group. Speaking in black-hooded windbreaker on a graffiti-covered bridge, Anis Amri is seen calling on Muslims in Europe to rise up and attack “crusaders.” “God willing, we will slaughter you like pigs,” he says in the video, whose date and location was not given, the Washington Post reported. “To my brothers everywhere, fight for the sake of Allah. Protect our religion. Everyone can do this in their own way. People who can fight should fight, even in Europe,” he says. The authenticity of the video could not be independently confirmed, but Amaq’s previous postings have been found to be credible. Amaq – which released the video shortly after Amri was shot dead by cops in Milan, Italy — earlier said “a soldier of the Islamic State” carried out the attack in Berlin “in response to appeals to target citizens of coalition countries.”