2020-07-03 10:00:13

Shafaq News / BBC Persia news received a statement before the AEOI's announcement of the nuclear site attack in Iran, saying that an unknown group calling itself "Cheetahs of the Homeland" claimed it had attacked the building. The group added that its members were part of "underground opposition with Iran's security apparatus".
Earlier, a spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (OEOI), Bahruz Kamalundi told Iranian media that the Thursday morning's incident "took place in one of the industrial sheds being built in the open-air part of the Natanz site".
The governor of Natanz city, Ramazanali Ferdowsi, was later quoted by Tasnim news agency as describing the incident as a fire, “Fire fighters and rescue teams were deployed to the site”, he added.
its noteworthy that, The Natanz enrichment facility has three large underground halls capable of holding tens of thousands of centrifuges operating in cascades. Uranium hexafluoride gas is fed into them to separate out the most fissile isotope, U-235.