2020-04-02 08:14:30

Shafaq News/ The number of deaths from coronavirus in the United States has crossed 5000, according to a new toll released by Johns Hopkins University on Wednesday night.

According to the toll, the number of people confirmed to have been infected with the epidemic in this country exceeded 215,000.

At approximately 02.35 a.m. Thursday, GMT, the university's center for epidemic monitoring locally and globally counted a total of 5116 deaths out of 215 thousand and 417 people, confirmed by laboratory to have "Covid 19".

On Wednesday, the United States recorded the highest death toll from the virus, with 884 deaths, according to the same source.

Italy still holds the record for the highest daily death toll from the epidemic, which is 969 deaths recorded on March 27.

If the death toll from corona in the United States is still lower than that recorded in Italy and Spain, then it exceeds the death toll officially announced in China, which is 3316 deaths.

The daily toll recorded on Tuesday evening in the United States reached 865 deaths, 24 thousand and 743 cases.

According to White House estimates, "Covid 19" would kill in the United States between 100 to 240 thousand people, if everyone complied with the restrictions currently imposed to contain the epidemic, compared to 1.5 million to 2.2 million people who would have died if no restrictions were imposed.

After many weeks reducing the potential risks to the country from the virus, US President Donald Trump renewed on Wednesday evening the warning that the coming days will be bleak in terms of the human cost of the epidemic in the United States.

"We will face two weeks, starting today, but especially after a few days from today, they will be terrifying," Trump said during his daily White House press conference on developments in the fight against the "Coved 19" epidemic in the United States.

On Tuesday, Trump sounded the alarm by saying, "It will be very painful. We will go through two very, very painful weeks."

The president described the pandemic as "a scourge", saying "I want every American to be prepared for the difficult days ahead," expressing his hope that his country will be able to "see a real light at the end of the tunnel."