2020-06-09 23:09:24

Shafaq News / The South Korean Pharmaceutical company "Daewoong" announced that the anti-parasitic drug "niclosamide" was able to eliminate the novel coronavirus from animals' lungs during experiments.
Drugmakers worldwide are rushing to develop treatments for the illness caused by the new coronavirus, which has killed more than 400,000 globally since it first emerged late last year in China.
Daewoong said its experimental anti-viral drug "completely cleared up" the disease in ferrets' lung tissues and inhibited inflammation. The company plans to proceed to human trials in July.

Three other companies around the world are testing niclosamide as a treatment for Covid-19, but Daewoong is the only company that offers the drug in a form that is not given orally, the company official told Reuters.
It is noteworthy that the South Korean company has been testing the mongoose about three months ago.
Jeon Seng-ho, CEO of Daewoong Pharma, said, "Based on the positive outcome of the animal test, we plan to complete human trials and get approval of the COVID-19 treatment drug by the end of this yea".
There is no treatment for COVID-19, as human trials of several other antiviral drugs have not shown conclusive benefits.
Shares in Daewoong Pharma jumped 48.2% in three trading days after last week's announcement, as of Tuesday.