2017-02-01 18:49:00
A young Iraqi boy needing surgery has been left stranded in the US without his parents after President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning refugees from Muslim-majority countries. Dilbreen was badly injured at 18 months old when a heater exploded in a refugee shelter in Iraq. He and his father flew to the US in October with nonprofit organisation Road to Peace, and were set to stay with community organisation House of Peace in Michigan while Dilbreen went through several rounds of surgery. But after the first round of surgery, his father had to fly back to Iraq to be with his wife as she gave birth to their second child. Dilbreen’s brother was born shortly before Mr Trump was voted President, and they named the baby “Trump”. When the boy's father tried to come back to the US, it was too late. Mr Trump has signed an order which banned nearly all travellers from Iraq and six other countries for at least 90 days. Carrie Schuchardt from House of Peace told The Independent that Dilbreen’s case was one of both "hardship and incredible tragedy". "We want him to have the surgery he needs when he needs it and surrounded by people that love him," she said. Now two years old, he cannot have more treatment without his parents and urgently needs surgery before he loses his sight. Massachusetts is one of four states to have filed a lawsuit against President Trump’s order, which has torn families apart, blocked visa and green card holders and has even entangled US officials, translators and US university students. It’s unclear if the lawsuit would help Dilbreen’s family. There are 87 sick and injured children waiting for treatment in the US, according to Road to Peace, who would receive help at Schriners Hospital. Dilbreen came over with two other young Iraqi children, who were successfully treated and sent home. She added that the organisation has worked with many children from Iraq and Syria over the past decade who badly needed medical treatment which they could not get in their home countries due to war or lack of resources. "People are being turned back at the US border," she said. "Visitors and guests are coming for a variety of reasons including for medical treatment. [The travel ban] is unconstitutional. Some people have been vetted for eight years." She said many people she speaks with are fearful and in disbelief about the future. Dilbreen is staying with a family in Michigan. His next round of surgery at Schriners Hospital is scheduled for 5 February and lawyers are trying to get his family special waivers. On the Road to Peace website, it said the parents' chances are not hopeful. The Muslim ban, signed by Mr Trump last week, bars nearly all travellers from seven countries for 90 days and refugees for 120 days. Refugees from Syria have been suspended indefinitely. The ban prompted massive protests around the US, four state lawsuits and the dismissal of acting attorney general Sally Yates after she instructed her staff to not defend the ban in court.