2020-03-31 08:56:07

Shafaq News / During the past century, many global events that changed the shape of the world, such as the First and Second World Wars, and the fall of the Berlin Wall, occurred in the new millennium of September 11, and observers believe that Corona virus crisis that has hit the world for 4 months will change the shape of the world, according to the Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem Post".

The newspaper emphasized that Corona crisis will change the world’s shape in a myriad of ways, whether in how to teach and learn, or obtain medical assistance and work, noting that it will shape the new world order.

It added that globally, China is likely to emerge stronger, the United States weaker, globalization is also likely to decrease, and the individual country will recover.

Everything will be different

For his part, Amos Yadlin, head of the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, confirmed during an online session on the world order that everything after Corona crisis will be different, adding: "How different is, and in what direction, we do not know exactly, we will return to a different world, as the effect of the crisis will be on everything. "

World order

In an attempt to think how the world order has changed, political philosophy professor Yuli Tamir stressed that in facing the crisis, countries around the world have done the most instinctive thing possible, closed their borders and said they need to deal with their own problems.

She said, "National instinct overcame other instincts," adding that this was happening at a time when nationalism was already escalating.

As for former US Ambassador Dan Shapiro, he stressed that there is no sense that the United States is trying to lead the world in an effort to fight the virus or is interested in helping other poorer countries, adding that US President Donald Trump's policies on this issue are guided by his stance "America first", even At the expense of close European allies.

He pointed out that the position of "I am first" was not the position of America alone, but the position of most countries in the world. The United Kingdom raised the slogan "Britain first", as well as Turkey.

International organizations

As for the former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, he emphasized the ineffectiveness and impotence of international organizations and frameworks in dealing with the crisis, including the European Union, the Arab League and the United Nations.

He pointed out that the most affected organization after the crisis is the European Union, which has proven its ability to provide any kind of assistance to the member countries that are suffering from the great outbreak of the epidemic.

This epidemic destroyed the driving principles behind the formation of the European Union: European solidarity, cooperation, and the opening of borders, said Adi Cantor, researcher at the INSS Institute's Europe Research Program.

He added that in Italy and Spain, which are the two countries most affected by the virus, there is a lot of criticism to the European Union. Pointing to the breach of solidarity among member states may lead to the dissolution of the union.

He stressed that instead of opening borders and cooperation, the European Union countries closed their borders, and each country focuses on the interior and deals with its citizens, without much cooperation among the members of the European Union, which raises key questions about the importance of the Union.