2020-06-29 12:59:06

Shafaq News / French President Emmanuel Macron, also president of “La République En Marche" party, was defeated in Sunday's local elections.

The second round of the French municipal elections witnessed the largest boycott rate ever, and the initial results showed noticeable progress of the Green Party, which successfully snatched the votes from the French Social Party in several cities.

A green wave swept over France, on Sunday, as the environmentalist party and its left-wing allies won control of a clutch of major cities including Lyon, Marseilles and Bordeaux.

While, In Paris, socialist mayor Anne Hidalgo — endorsed by the greens — was re-elected.

Partial results also showed the wining of Marine Le Pen's far-right party in Perpignan.

It is noteworthy that, The first round was held in mid-March last, and registered  a low rate of participation.