2020-01-28 08:08:48

Shafaq News / The spokesman of the Ministry of Health in Munich said on Monday that the first case of the new Coruna virus had been registered in Germany.

He added that the infected man is from Starnberg region in Bavaria (about 30 km southwest of Munich).

The number of victims of the deadly virus has risen to 106 in China, while the number of infected has reached 4,515.

World Health Organization has described corona viruses as "a large group of viruses that cause disease ranging from common cold to more severe diseases."

Common symptoms of infection include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

Corona viruses are transmitted between animals and people, and there are many known Corona viruses that are currently spreading among animals,   which have not yet infected humans.