2020-03-30 08:36:35

Shafaq News / The Chinese State Health Committee announced that 2,396 people with the new corona virus are still receiving treatment in the country's hospitals, while 93% of the total has recovered.

According to the latest reports, the number of confirmed cases of the epidemic in Chinese lands reached 81,470, and 75,770 people recovered from hospital.

Yesterday in China, it was announced that the country's corona virus has stopped practically, as it is reported that the number of infections inside the country is less than 3000, while a steady escalation of incoming cases from abroad has been recorded.

On March 11, the World Health Organization identified a "Covid-19" outbreak as a pandemic.

On March 12, the State Health Committee of the Republic of China confirmed that the country's epidemic has passed.

According to the most recent "Worldometer" data, more than 721,000 new cases of corona virus were recorded on the planet, more than 33,000 people died, and more than 151,000 people were cured.