2020-02-20 13:28:52

Shafaq News / Iranian authorities announced the diagnosis of 3 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the number of infected people to 5, after the death of two people in Qom city.

Two suspects were previously announced in Mazandaran in northern Iran, and a third in Iran.

On Thursday, a public relations official at the Iranian Ministry of Health, Kyanosh Jehanpur, said that three new infections had been found in the country, 2 of them in Qom, and the third in Arak in central Iran.

He pointed out that the number of people infected with the virus in Iran rose to 5 cases, after it was announced that two people had died from the virus, on Wednesday.

He explained that the infected person in Arak, is a doctor coming from the Qom city, adding that the infected people were subjected to quarantine.

On Wednesday, the Iranian Ministry of Health announced the death of two people due to the new Corona virus, in the province of Qom.

The Iranian television said that the two citizens who died as a result of the virus are from Qom city have never traveled to the Chinese city of Wuhan, the heartland of the virus.

The mysterious virus appeared in China, for the first time on December 12, 2019, in the city of Wuhan (center), but Beijing officially revealed it in mid-of last January.

World Health Organization earlier declared a state of emergency on an international scale to counter the outbreak of the virus, which later spread to several countries, causing panic throughout the world.

Beijing explained the high number of deaths due to the virus inside China to 2500 people, and more than 74 thousand and 185 infected.