2020-06-30 11:51:50

Shafaq News / An Iranian Revolutionary Guards corps (IRGC) commander, was injured by an explosion, which targeted today, Tuesday, two cars of the Revolutionary Guards, in southeastern Iran.

Fars news agency quoted MP Fada Hussein Maleki saying that, "two bombs had targeted vehicles carrying IRGC members in Sistan-Baluchestan province near the Pakistani border.

Maleki also denied reports that several guards had been captured during the incident, which he described as a “terrorist operation” carried out by Jaish al-Adl, according to Fars News Agency.

Furthermore, Mehr news agency also reported, yesterday evening, Monday, that an explosion occurred on the road between the cities of Zahedan - Khash, southeastern Iran, noting that, "the explosion may have been caused by a terrorist act carried out by hostile groups in that area".

Korin region in which the explosion occurred, is located on the road between the cities of Zahedan and Khash, in Sistan Balochistan province, in the southeast of the country.

It is noteworthy that an operation targeted, last February, a Revolutionary Guards bus that killed 27 militants and wounded 13 others, in the same province.