2020-03-22 11:35:00

Shafaq News / Unlike symptoms that were previously known when infected with the emerging corona virus, such as high fever and dry cough, doctors revealed new symptoms that distinguished the disease.

Nirmal Kumar, a consultant British specialist in ENT, told Sky News that the loss of sense of smell and taste is a new indication of corona virus infection.

The known symptoms of a deadly disease ranged from fever, coughing, shortness of breath and feeling tired, among which was no loss of sense of smell and taste.

But Kumar said, "A patient who suffers from a loss of sense of smell and taste, may also have Covid 19 virus."

He added, "The patient may not necessarily have symptoms of coughing and fever. Therefore, people who feel a loss of sense of smell and taste should resort to self-isolation."

"This is new evidence of corona virus infection," he concluded.

The death toll from Corona virus has now exceeded the barrier of 3,000, while the number of infected people is close to 310,000.