2020-07-07 17:25:56

Shafaq News / The Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, has created an atmosphere of optimism in the country that is steeped in economic and financial crises, by suggesting that, "what was announced after the visit of the Iraqi ministerial delegation is encouraging, and what was not announced is more encouraging".

Berri enlisted the outcome of the Iraqi delegation's visit to Lebanon in the field of great importance in the process of assisting Lebanon.

The Lebanese Parliament reflected Berri's with the visit of the Iraqi ministerial delegation to Beirut, and described the visit as extremely important and sets a ground to serve the interests of both Lebanon and Iraq.

The circles of the Lebanese Parliament Speaker told Al-Jamhouriyah newspaper that Berri hopes that government steps will continue at this stage of the crisis, and the basis is to curb the price of the dollar and deter the manipulators of the national currency.

According to these circles, the priority of the government is to take action and achieve what is required of it at this stage, and it has a mountain to climb; especially in the area of reforms that all potential aid to Lebanon relies upon its completion.

Lebanese media reported on July 3 that the Lebanese Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, has met an Iraqi ministerial delegation, included the ministers of agriculture, education, oil and industry. A source in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry told Shafaq News agency that the visit of the delegation is focused upon reaching an agreement with Lebanon on importing agricultural and industrial products in exchange for Iraqi oil.