2020-07-07 23:50:08

Shafaq News / The Turkish Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) announced, on Tuesday, killing multiple Turkish soldiers, while admitting that one of its members was captured.

The Center for Information and Publications of the People's Protection Forces, the party's military wing, said in a statement issued today that three Turkish soldier was killed in Haftanin battles on July 5th, by PKK fighters.

The statement received by Shafaq news agency added that four Turkish soldiers also killed in an operation between Bakinki and Kefri Golmerek on the same day.

The statement indicated that, "on the 26th of last June, an armed confrontation took place with the Turkish army in Lubi Plain near Mount Cudi on the 8th of last June. A member was wounded was taken prisoner by the Turkish army".

Turkey has recently intensified its aerial and artillery shelling on border areas within Kurdistan Region. Ankara says it is targeting the PKK militants.

The bombing sparked condemnation of Kurdistan Regional Government, which demanding the PKK fighters to withdraw from the region to avoid tensions.