2018-09-21 19:17:00

The Turkish Presidency yesterday submitted a motion to Parliament to extend the government's authority to use the Turkish military in cross-border operations in northern Iraq and Syria for one more year.

The motion, which was submitted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's government, had previously allowed the Turkish military to carry out cross-border operations from Oct. 31, 2017 until Oct. 30, 2018. The motion stated that Turkey attaches great importance to the protection of Iraq's territorial integrity, national unity and stability.

"However, the existence of the PKK and Daesh in Iraq, poses a direct threat to regional peace, stability and the security of our country," it added.

Parliament will debate the motion after the opening of the new legislative year on Oct. 1. During the parliamentary session, the deputies will debate whether the same motion should be extended, or a new motion should be drafted.