2020-03-19 07:20:19

Shafaq News / U.S. Congressman Ban McAdams announced Wednesday that he has Corona virus after he quarantined himself since last Saturday.

In a statement posted on his page on social media, Adams wrote, "On Saturday evening, after my return from Washington, DC, I had mild cold-like symptoms. When I consulted my doctor on Sunday, I immediately isolated myself in my home."

Then, he added, "My doctor ordered me to test for COVID-19, and after referring me to the local test clinic, I was told that the test confirmed my infection with the new Corona virus."

"I play my role as all Americans do to contain the spread of the virus and mitigate its outbreaks," Adams added. "I urge that it is necessary to take this seriously and follow the health recommendations we receive from CDC and other health experts so that we can recover from this threat on the public health."

Mac Adams is the second US lawmaker to have been diagnosed with corona virus so far.

Earlier today, Wednesday, Republican Attorney Mario Diaz Ballart announced that he had contracted the new Corona virus.

Diaz Ballart tweeted, he felt "very much improved", calling on everyone to take Corona virus seriously, and "follow CDC instructions to avoid infection and weaken its spread."