2019-10-17 08:00:30

Shafaq News/ The Unites States Congress overwhelmingly backed a draft resolution condemning President, Donald Trump's decision to withdraw US troops from northeastern Syria, paving the way for a Turkish offensive against the Kurds.

A total of 354 congressmen voted in favor and 60 against after dozens of Trump's Republican comrades joined the Democratic majority in favor.

The voting highlights strong discontent in Congress over Trump's move, seen by many lawmakers as leaving Kurdish fighters who were fighting alongside the Americans to defeat Islamic State militants.

They also condemned the escape of ISIS fighters from a prison in Syria after the Turkish offensive began a week ago.

“It was a betrayal for our partners,” said Elliot Angel, the Democratic   chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which sponsored the resolution. It was a gift to Russia, Iran, the Islamic State and the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. ”