2020-06-10 23:43:20

Shafaq News / The American administration addressed the Syrian leadership through its embassy in Damascus, regarding the necessity to take serious steps towards a political solution or there will be more sanctions.

"The only exit strategy available to the Syrian regime is UNSCR 2254.  The regime must take irreversible steps to implement a political solution to the Syrian conflict that respects the rights and will of the Syrian people, or face further targeted sanctions and isolation", the American embassy account posted on Twitter.

The tweet added: "The Assad regime squanders tens of millions of dollars each month to fund a needless war against the Syrian people instead of providing for their basic needs. The United States will continue targeted sanctions and increased economic pressure on the Assad regime until there is irreversible progress on the political process, including a nationwide ceasefire, as called for by UNSCR 2254".

While calling on all international organizations to stop the economic sanctions imposed by some countries due to the spread of Covid-19, the United States of America still refuses to suspend its sanctions on Syria and Iran.

Last Thursday, US President Donald Trump decided to extend the unilateral economic sanctions applied on Syria for another year.

The US administration indicated that these sanctions are among a variety restrictions imposed by Washington on Damascus between 2012 and 2014.