2020-04-21 08:05:00

Shafaq News / The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended on Tuesday that any lifting of the general isolation measures imposed to contain the emerging corona virus should be gradual, and said that if restrictions were eased too soon, there would be a return to the infection.

The WHO's Western Pacific Regional Director, Takshi Kasai, said public isolation measures have proven effective and that everyone should prepare for a new lifestyle that allows society to work while continuing to contain the virus.

He added in an online news conference that the process of adapting to the epidemic will be the natural situation until a vaccine for the virus is reached.

Earlier, the WHO director, Tudres Adhanum Gebresos warned that "the worst is coming" regarding the outbreak of Coronavirus, thus ringing new pandemic bells about the pandemic, as many countries began relaxing restrictive measures to curb its spread.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization did not specify exactly why he believed the outbreak of the pandemic, which hit nearly two and a half million people and killed more than 166,000, according to statistics compiled by Johns Hopkins University, could get worse.

Although he and others have indicated the possibility of a future epidemic across Africa, where health systems are less developed.

He told reporters at the organization's headquarters in Geneva: "Trust us, the worst is still ahead of us. Let us prevent this tragedy, it is a virus that many people still do not understand."