2018-01-05 16:25:00

Republic of Fiji Military Forces soldiers who returned from Iraq, with Lieutenant-Colonel Pacolo Luveni in Nadi on January 4, 2018. Photo: Arieta Vakasukawaqa

Military personnel who returned yesterday from Iraq have been advised to seek counselling if they faced family problems.

This was the assurance given by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces’ Director Peacekeeping Support Services, Lieutenant-Colonel Pacolo Luveni, while addressing the returning 23 military personnel in Nadi.

He said the military stood ready to help them.

“It’s great to see you back in good health, some of you may return and notice that the dynamics of your family house have changed,” Lieutenant-Colonel Luveni said.

“I advice all of you to enter your house quietly because your family will have to re-adjust to your presence after leaving them for a year. Spend quality with them.

“If you need counselling to help you deal with the problems at home, please don’t let it get it to you. Come to us so that we can help you, we might not have the experts at RFMF but we can help you get it from outside.”

One behalf of the Government, he acknowledged them for their services in Iraq because it solidified the nation’s bilateral relations.

Lieutenant-Colonel Luveni also called on the returning soldiers for their support as the country prepares the General Election this year.

“We are the custodians of the law and the custodians of this country, all regular forces are advised to return to their respective units after spending their well deserved leave,” he said.

The RFMF Chaplain, Reverend Ilaitia Tuwere, reminded military personnel to always seek spiritual healing if they faced problems.